Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to the Möbius team by sending us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Do I need to have an account to read?
No, there is no need to make an account if you want only to read books. However making an account will allow you to personalise the list of books in the Player, create your own Library, comment and discuss books.
Can I make my own stories?
Yes, of course! For creating stories you can use the Creator, the Möbius app that we designed to allow authors to create multimedia, interactive books. You can login, to the Creator using the same account credentials as in the Player
Where can I see the books I started reading?
Start by creating an account. when you do so, the Library section of the Player will be available to you. You can put there any book by simply clicking on the star icon below it.
Can I share books with my friends?
Yes, sure and even if you are not logged in. Once you click a book a dedicated page about the book will open. There you will see the the title, cover and book metadata and can share the book via Email, Twitter and Facebook.
What to do if I encounter harmful content?
Reach out to the Möbius team by sending us an email and we'll take care of this immediately. You can also use the share by Email feature of each book and notify