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3. Ban of the color blue

Special Effects
Leone demonstrated scientifically and without any margin of error that one’s happiness is inversely proportional to the amount of blue one sees.
In the immediate days after Leone’s discovery, people abandoned their blue trousers, shirts and sweatshirts. Blue buildings were repainted, blue cars scrapped, road signs changed, and every company modified its blue logo. People with blue eyes underwent plastic surgeries to alter their colour in favour of black. Nevertheless, at the beginning the public opinion showed some hesitance toward that new trend of cancelling everything blue in order to make space for other colours. (…)
The US were the first country to take measures against the blue of the seas: just a couple of months after Leone’s discovery, the Congress issued the Act of Happiness. The army poured billions of tons of purple red tincture in the water. Homicide rates dropped along the coastlines. A vast number of people started to spontaneously heal from depression, anxiety, panic attacks; psychiatric hospitals emptied in a fortnight. China was the first country to do something about the sky: thanks to the Law of the Right Colours, the government stated that every factory had to use a new type of fuel which changed the colour of the sky all over the world, from blue to a lovely jade green. 
The colour blue completely disappeared four months after the publication of The influence of the color Blue, on the same day governments instituted the World’s Day of the Right to Happiness.
Earth radically transformed, not only in its appearance but also in its nature: humans evolved so rapidly and so quickly. Wars ended. Crime and criminals disappeared: no more violence. Prisons, tribunals, police forces and armies became just a distant memory. Nations, borders, weapons, property and money soon followed the same path. People didn’t desire to own more than they already had: they were authentically happy to be able to share their possessions. 

They made a new discovery: Earth resources were enough for everybody and that discriminating people wasn’t doing any good, to anyone, therefore including became the norm. The gap between the rich and poor rapidly decreased hour by hour: we are all the same now and our only desire is to love and to be loved. People started to fall for one another more easily and frequently. For the first time since the dawn of the universe, Earth was peaceful and in balance. Our Planet and Paradise have been indistinguishable since then.
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